Stay connected with Hello Ivy's real-time chat feature, a must-have tool to keep the conversation flowing smoothly, all in one place.
Stay connected with Hello Ivy's real-time chat feature, a must-have tool to keep the conversation flowing smoothly, all in one place.
Discuss work in context.
Discuss work in context.
Discuss work in context.

Project-related group chat and private chat
Stay connected with the chat functionality, featuring group chats tailored to each project for on-topic discussions, as well as private, 1-on-1 chats for more direct conversations.

Project-related group chat and private chat
Stay connected with the chat functionality, featuring group chats tailored to each project for on-topic discussions, as well as private, 1-on-1 chats for more direct conversations.

Project-related group chat and private chat
Stay connected with the chat functionality, featuring group chats tailored to each project for on-topic discussions, as well as private, 1-on-1 chats for more direct conversations.

Reference anywhere
Use the chat to easily reference anything within your workspace – whether it's tasks, documents, files, and more – to keep discussions focused and productive.

Reference anywhere
Use the chat to easily reference anything within your workspace – whether it's tasks, documents, files, and more – to keep discussions focused and productive.

Reference anywhere
Use the chat to easily reference anything within your workspace – whether it's tasks, documents, files, and more – to keep discussions focused and productive.
Real-time, lightweight chat.
Real-time, lightweight chat.
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