It's now possible to add story points to a task.
What are story points?
Story points are a relative time measure for tasks. Instead of using an absolute time estimate for a task, such as two days or 4 hours, you're using a relative one.
You can choose between the following:
1 story point (least work)
2 story points
3 story points
5 story points
8 story points (most work)
When assigning story points to a task, you give it a relative time estimate in comparison to others. Assign one story point for the smallest tasks, which could be 1 hour or 4 hours, based on your definition of a small task. Conversely, assign 8 story points for the longest tasks.
Why story points?
Story points eliminate the pitfall of inaccurately estimating a task in an absolute sense. Once you have assigned story points to all your tasks, it becomes easier to identify which ones should be prioritized, especially when you combine them with the Priority attribute.
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